Ruddington Parish Council has revealed that new village signage has been ordered for the five main road entrances into Ruddington. The new signs won’t replace the existing ones, which are owned by Nottinghamshire County Council, but will play a different role by celebrating our culture and heritage.

The signs have been designed by local firm WigWag, who moved into Martindale House on Church Street/The Green in 2016. The creative team at WigWag were tasked with producing a series of concepts around iconic aspects of our village, depicting our framework knitting heritage and capturing the unusual architecture of some of our buildings.
In the end, it was decided to brand Ruddington as ‘the museum village’, as we must surely be unique (or almost) in having three museums to our name. WigWag duly created the watercolour design pictured, which features the Framework Knitters’ Museum and Village Museum buildings, along with a GCRN steam train.
Steve Ennis, founder of Wigwag, said: ‘Having arrived in the Village nearly 12 months ago, we are really proud to have been commissioned for such an exciting project. When we moved to Ruddington – the new home of the WigWag dog – our main goal was to integrate with the local community. Being able to design the new signage has really given us this opportunity and has allowed WigWag to do something great for the village.’
Vice Chair of the Parish Council, Ken Piggott, who oversaw the project, added: ‘The new signage will be a huge asset by giving us our own identity as “the museum village” – which is of course, just one of many strings to Ruddington’s bow. The idea is to tempt more people into the village to find out what we have to offer, to the long-term benefit of our local businesses and organisations.’
The new signs are currently being produced by Signs of the Times, a specialist firm based in Leighton Buzzard. When ready, the signs will be installed at the entrances to the village at Wilford Road, Clifton Road, Flawforth Lane and both ends of Loughborough Road.
Article courtesy of Ruddington Parish Council.